As a firm, we are committed to giving back to the communities in which we live and work. Over the years, we have supported many charitable works on behalf of our personal injury clients in Hamilton Proper, Stoney Creek, Dundas, Grimsby, Burlington, Oakville, and Mississauga. Please contact us if you feel we can benefit a cause or event in your community.
- Hamilton Brain Injury Association
- Canadian Paraplegic Association
- YMCA Hamilton and Niagara
- Hamilton Health Science Foundation – Sick Children’s Hospital
- Sick Children’s Hospital – Toronto
- Bloorview Rehabilitation Hospital – Toronto
“Wynperle involved all the right health care professionals and experts in order to prove my claim. Shortly before the trial, the insurance company finally agreed to compensate me for loss of income, pain and suffering and loss of homemaking capacity.”
D.B., Dundas (Accident Claim)